So, I'm determined to NOT make this a real blog, b/c although I enjoy blog-stalking my friends, I do not want to join them. However, I need a new place to post my pictures, and after looking at a lot of sites, this seems like the easiest. I will take this opportunity to steal directly from Megan's blog and post some things about what Kate is up to these days, mostly so I will remember!
Kate at 16 months...
September brings lots of new things for us. Kate wants to do nothing except assisted walking. She walks like a champ but refuses to take even a half step if you are not holding both her hands. Just this weekend I was able to get 3 or 4 steps out of her with just one hand being held, but after she realized what she had just done, she refused to do it again, and we're back at the 2 hand hold. We have also experience her first ear infection, which, let me tell you, has not been a fun experience. Many sleepless nights came with that, and added onto the end is a rash from the amoxicillin for 5 (yes, 5) days now. The doctor assures me it should be gone in 48 hours, but in the meantime my poor girl will be on an endless cycle of benedryl to relieve itching and reduce the tiny red dots all over her body! Kate is an expert at animals sounds....we can do a cow, chicken, snake, bird, monkey (my personal favorite) and sheep. She will say about 10 words...mama, dada, dog, ball, bow, hello, bye bye, Ila (her bff) milk, bottle, baby, and (how could I forget this one?) NO. She also is quite the ham, and has many different faces as you'll see in the pictures.
I am still watching Jay in the mornings, and he is a WALKING FOOL. He took his first step about 3 weeks ago and is now a complete expert. He can stop and start again, bend down to pick up something and keep going. He will be a year in 2 short weeks!
Kate and Jay fill their mornings with moving toys from the den to the kitchen and back again. They have just found my placemat/bib cabinet and take absolute delight in taking every single thing out and scattering it all over the kitchen floor! In the afternoons, Kate LOVES going to the park and sliding down the slide. Especially the big one.
That's it for now. Enjoy the pictures!